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Add Your Australian Press Release / News

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Come On Aussie welcomes professionally written press releases and new items about Australian businesses and achievements. Please lodge your release here.
Come On Aussie welcomes professionally written press releases and new items about Australian businesses and achievements. Please lodge your release here.

Please note: This is NOT a press release "distribution" service.

Since starting online way back in 1995, Come On Aussie has provided promotional opportunities for Australian businesses.

This gives them (smaller ones in particular) a real chance to market their products and/or services economically and efficiently.

Publishing your press release here (as well as on your own website) will, at the very least, attract some positive attention from the search engines...

And maybe a few people might even see it LOL!!!

It is also an extremely legitimate method of gaining another solid link back to your website :)

Just fill out the details below to send your Press Release / News Item to @ Come On Aussie.

Remember, ANY items sent to us are expected to be 100% professionally prepared Press Releases!

If you don't know how to do that properly... please find out! :)

If they aren't, then I'm sorry. It won't get published. We don't do any sub-editing since that delete button is so much simpler LOL

Please note that this service is only available to Australian businesses... because this site is about Australia!

to Come On Aussie

Author Email
Please submit your email here for verification purposes.
It is only used to contact you regarding this submission.

Author Password
Please enter a PASSWORD so you may request an EDIT of the item if needed.

Words and Numbers ONLY please

Item Headline: * required
The Featured Headline For The Item
Appears At The Top In Lettercase in <H1> tags.
One line 60 chars MAX. NO HTML.

Item Synopsis/Excerpt: * required
This is a summary of the item. It is used ONLY for display on our summary pages.
Suggest you keep this short and punchy. Again, NO HTML please.

Maximum size = 400 characters

This is a VERY SHORT introduction to the item. It could be the same as the synopsis above... but why not mix it up a bit :)

Maximum size = 750 characters

Item Detail: * required

This is a FULL WIDTH paragraph and contains the bulk of the content for your item.

If you have a fairly LONG item (over 3000 chars) then you break it up between THIS field and the next one :)

Use TWO carriage returns to force a break between paragraphs,
and other simple HTML code - e.g. , <B>bold</B> etc is allowed IF you know what you're doing :)

Maximum size = 3000 characters

The Rest of It... (optional)
This is a normal FULL-WIDTH paragraph which can contain
1. if applicable, the REST of the main content from above... AND
2. your conclusion, and acknowledgements, etc..

For Further Information
This is the "normal" author/resource box containing USEFUL contact details regarding the item.
It may also include ONE link to your main website.

SEO Title
Use this field IF you want something OTHER than your HEADING above to be shown in the hidden tags on this page

SEO Meta Description
If used, this should be a SHORTED version of your Article Synopsis/Excerpt above... not more than 170 chars

SEO Keyword/s
Use this field to add up to 5, highly, relevant, comma, separated, keywords

If available, enter the full URL/path to an image (on your server)
which we then DOWNLOAD to our server to display with the item.

By sending in this form, YOU CONFIRM that you :

are the copyright holder of the works shown above, OR
• are the legal representative of the copyright holder for the works shown above, OR
have obtained the permission of the copyright holder to use the works shown above,

AND grant Come On Aussie Internet Services a licence to publish this work on its website/s.

If that's correct...

Press this button to send your item to us:

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Since 1995 Come On Aussie Internet has been providing online services for Australian Businesses!

Add your business details now to one of Australia's longest running online publishers of Aussie info!

And if you were wondering... Why Come On Aussie?

Well all I can say is... Why the bloomin' hell not? :)

Click to Add Your Stuff NOW!

Come On Aussie