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You are here » Home » Manufacturing » Dienamics

Dienamics provide a OneSource start to finish solution for injection moulding Brisbane and SEQ based companies.

Our OneSource solution allows peace of mind to you as the client to ensure your injection mould and design process is in good hands.

It's managed all under the one roof by experienced injection moulders and toolmakers.


We manage the process from the commencing concept assessment stage, right through to product design (stage 2), prototyping (stage 3) and through to the manufacturing of the product (stage 4).

Rest assured, Dienamics injection moulding Brisbane team are skilled and have the experience to manage your entire product.

» Click to visit Dienamics «

Last updated
Fri Mar 20 13:10:15 CET 2020

  • Dienamics
    160 Granite St, Geebung
    Brisbane QLD 4034

Dienamics Facebook Page Dienamics Twitter Page


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