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Griffiths GAMSAT Review Home Study System is one of the longest running and most successful Gamsat preparation courses in existence.

Founded in 2005 by Dr Peter Griffiths, we've helped thousands of students to success in the test and gain a place at medical and dental school programs in Australia, the United Kingdom, Ireland and other countries around the world.

Griffiths GAMSAT Review

Our unique system takes you step by step through all three sections of the test and gives you advanced test taking strategies and techniques to maximize your score.

The course also includes plenty of realistic Gamsat style practice questions, marked essay examples showing you the features of high scoring essays, video tutorials for the key science topics and two easy to use question logs which automatically track your progress and show you at a glance the areas where you need to improve. Plus much more!

This Gamsat home study course is provided online in the form of instantly downloadable PDF files and access to online videos so you can get started right away.


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