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You are here » Home » Computer Peripherals » Inkghost Pty Ltd

Inkghost Pty Ltd is Australia's leading online store for basic as well as premium quality CISS systems from RIHAC. We provide original quality CISS systems at the best possible prices found Australia wide. We are an online business based in Melbourne, Australia and do not have a shopfront. This allows us to reduce our overheads and provide products at the cheapest price possible. We do not manufacture any products but rather we source products worldwide, test them rigorously and evaluate them. We take out the guess work and make the minefield that is ink and related products, easier to navigate. You will even notice identical basic and standard products being sold on Ebay, along with creative advertising techniques, at far more expensive prices by greedy profiteers. We ship daily and support printers from most parts of the world.


» Click to visit Inkghost Pty Ltd «

Last updated
Wed Apr 2 17:54:29 EST 2014

  • Inkghost Pty Ltd
    74 Keilor Road
    Essendon North VIC 3041

Inkghost Pty Ltd Facebook Page


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